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Create Artful Drawings with Graph Paper

The younger boys have been enjoying their birthday gifts of Etch-a-Sketch. It quickly turned into a pretty fun (and easy) art project last week. Read all about it in my weekly post at GNMParents (now ForeverParenting.com) titled Graph Paper Pictures. Here’s an...

The New Bully on the Block…Cyber Bullying

(Editor here: This week our guest author is Michael Kovach with a clear look at an important topic. Thanks Michael!) What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber bullying has been defined by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry as “the intentional aggressive behavior using...

FFYF: Fartsicle Edition

Happy Friday, Internets! Tonight Hubby was giving the boys a snack before bed when the dog came into the kitchen and looked cute. Naturally we decided that she should have a treat as well. After a moment of consultation, we decided to dig into a bag of treats that I...